From the Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC)​​

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian coalition that leads the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, calls on supporters of Palestinian rights worldwide to join climate justice movements in holding the US fossil fuel multinational Chevron and the German conglomerate Siemens accountable for helping to fuel environmental destruction and Israeli apartheid. 

Chevron has been the main international actor extracting gas claimed by Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean since it acquired Noble Energy in 2020. With its extracting activities, Chevron is implicated in Israel's policy and practice of depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron is potentially complicit in Israel’s pillage of Palestinian gas reserves off the shores of the occupied Gaza Strip, a war crime under international law.

Chevron is also complicit in Israel’s illegal siege of Gaza that prevents Palestinians from accessing the sea. This includes Israel’s illegal transfer of extracted fossil gas to Egypt through a submarine pipeline crossing the Palestinian EEZ in Gaza, owing Palestinians millions in transit fees. Moreover, the sea blockade, which Israel imposes by brutal and deadly violence, has particularly impacted thousands of Palestinian families who depend on fishing for their livelihoods. 

Chevron brings Israel billions of dollars in revenues, helping to strengthen its war chest and its regime of  apartheid, settler colonialism and military occupation.  

The fossil gas reserves claimed by Israel are small in comparison with those of many Middle Eastern and North African countries. They are also located in the Eastern Mediterranean where disputes over maritime borders between Israel, the State of Palestine under Israel’s  occupation, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey entail a high risk of armed conflict. Nevertheless, thanks to Chevron’s complicity, apartheid Israel has been eager to establish itself as an energy exporter – a tiny one at that – to Europe, hoping that integration into Europe’s energy market would not only result in economic benefit but also help it evade accountability for its apartheid system and its illegal annexation, colonization and exploitation of Palestinian land and natural resources.

Palestinian civil society, represented in the BNC, calls upon supporters of Palestinian rights worldwide to build and strengthen intersectional partnerships with the climate justice movement and the many communities and Indigenous peoples around the world who are exposing and resisting the colonial violence of Chevron’s extractivism, environmental destruction and grave human rights violations. 


​​United Methodists have watched in horror as Israel bombs hospitals, homes, and nurseries in Gaza, killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and burying countless more under the rubble. The survivors are left to die slowly, as Israel cuts off access to food, clean water, and gas to 2.2 million people.
See the statement on Gaza from the UMC Council of Bishops, March 2024

​​Big Oil is profiting from this genocide.
The Chevron corporation supplies Israel’s war machine with light and power via the operation and co-ownership of the major gas fields off the coast of occupied Palestinian land. Both Chevron and Israel enrich themselves from these projects – continuing a pattern of ongoing occupation and apartheid.

United Methodists in UMKR, together with many justice partners in faith communities and civil society, are demanding that Chevron divest from its projects in Israel and end its support of the genocide and apartheid in Palestine.
See UMKR's letter to the CEO of Chevron

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has called for a boycott of fossil fuel giant Chevron for their role in developing gas fields off the coast of occupied Gaza and for fueling the ongoing apartheid and genocide by Israel.

See their call for action, on the right. ►►► 

They are asking us to engage in a consumer boycott of Chevron, Texaco, and Caltex gas/petrol stations around the world.

The Chevron corporation supplies Israel’s war machine with light and power via the operation and co-ownership of the major gas fields off the coast of occupied Palestinian land. Both Chevron and Israel enrich themselves from these projects – continuing a pattern of ongoing occupation and apartheid, while depriving Palestinians of their own energy independence.

We echo the call from the Palestinian Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement to build pressure on Chevron until it no longer conducts business that gravely violates Palestinian human rights and benefits Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime.

UMKR has written to the CEO of Chevron, announcing our intention to join the boycott and build support for it in the United Methodist Church.  
See UMKR's letter

​See AFSC'S Fact Sheet:
"C­h­e­v­r­o­n F­u­e­l­s I­s­r­a­e­l­i A­p­a­r­t­h­e­i­d a­n­d W­a­r C­r­i­m­e­s"

See the call for action from the Palestinian BNC, on the right. ►►►


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See and sign UMKR's statement here

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​Chevron runs natural gas extraction and pipelines off the shore of Palestine/Israel, making it a major partner in Israeli energy apartheid, the military blockade on Gaza, and the illegal exploitation of Palestinian land and resources.

Join Palestinian civil society and a growing international coalition calling on Chevron to end its support of genocide and apartheid in Palestine.


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United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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Israel’s Crude and Fuel Supply Chains
Report by Data Desk and Oil Change International, March 2024

Beneath Troubled Waters: Noble Energy’s exploitation of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Report by Dutch research center SOMO, May 2017

Annexing Energy: Exploiting and Preventing the Development Of Oil and Gas in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 
Report by Palestinian human rights organization Al Haq, August 2015

Chevron’s Environmental Crimes: 13 Years of Evasion and Escalation
Amazon Watch blog post, February 2024

Chevron’s Global Destruction: Ecocide, Genocide, and Corruption
Report by Nan M. Greer, PhD, October 2021

Chevron Boycott