See many other beautiful prayers and litanies related to the Holy Land on this page

See an invitation to solidarity in the column on the right »»

Prayer for Illumination
By Katie Reimer, M.Muss, M.Div., Worship Leader, UMC

God of Life,
We come to you with feelings of despair at all that is broken around us. Our world is suffering. Our Palestinian siblings are surrounded on every side by people and systems bent on their destruction. We sit here in the United States, feeling angry at the ways our own country is solidifying the annihilation of Palestine. Feeling helpless as we watch their suffering from afar. The sun has vanished. The moon refuses to shine. Hope is falling.

Open our hearts and minds to what you are doing in the midst of this brokenness. Help us to see the ways you are shaking the foundations of all that destroys life. Give us the stamina to stay awake, to watch and to wait for you. Grant us wisdom and courage to participate in the ways that you are moving to restore life.


Candle lighting Prayer for the Oppressed
From The Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2020
(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our
Devotions and Study Materials )
God Who Hears the Cries of the Oppressed, may the season’s lighting of candles and the singing of carols fill my heart and move me to act in partnership with those who are suffering life’s injustices. In the name of the One who, born in a stable, made his home among the oppressed, Amen.


Candle lighting Prayer for the Oppressed
From the Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2018

(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our 
Devotions and Study Materials )
God Who Hears the Cries of the Oppressed, we pray for all who suffer the ongoing, seemingly never-ending consequences of colonialization and occupation. Visit them this holy season with the light of your love. Move the faithful in churches, synagogues and mosques, along with all people of good will, to be that light in their lives in practical and transforming ways. In the name of the One who, for our sake, kept faith under occupation, Amen.


Prayer for Refugee Children
From the Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2018

(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our 
Devotions and Study Materials )

Holy One Incarnate, I remember that as a child you were spirited off to a distant and unfamiliar place. Be with all those who are suffering as refugees, longing for home as well as food and shelter and a future for their children. So be it, in Jesus’ name.


A Prayer for Refugees
From the Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2017

(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our Devotions and Study Materials )
Almighty and merciful God,
whose Son became a refugee
and had no place to call his own;
look with mercy on those who today
are fleeing from danger,
homeless and hungry.

Bless those who work to bring them relief;
inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts;
and guide the nations of the world towards that day
when all will rejoice in your Kingdom of justice and of peace;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer by Michael Sabbah, Archbishop of Jerusalem
From the Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2019

(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our 
Devotions and Study Materials )

O Lord, have mercy. O God, the message you sent to Mary and the simple shepherds in those days, send it to those who have power. O Lord, change the hearts of the great of this world. Grant them light to see and to know that the Palestinians and they themselves are equally created in your image and have the same dignity you gave to all. Amen. (Patriarch Sabbah)


Prayer by Fr. Dr. Jamal Khader
From the Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2018

(See all of the KP Christmas Alerts in our Devotions and Study Materials)
“O God, may your peace prevail in the country that you chose to be your own. You are the Lord of Peace; you are the peace we long for.”


Advent Prayer
By Rev. Loren McGrail, UCC

Come Human One, advent our lives.
Come like a thief in the night and disturb
our sleep, our comfortable realities that say
you can have peace without justice,
that say taking someone else’s land or life is not our concern,
that says it is Ok to violate human rights,
break international laws.

Break into our lives, Son of Man,
challenge our certainties,
make us vulnerable to the urgency of your Call
for a new Jerusalem, a Beloved Community here and now
in this place where the streets still run with the blood of the martyrs,
in this place all call holy, all call home.

Help us, unexpected One, to become insomniacs
to keep awake, alert, and watchful
for the ways that your coming can be thwarted, obscured, or denied
by theologies that privilege certain groups as Chosen
by peace processes that deny the right of return,
that don’t demand the freezing of settlement building
or walls that separate and divide.

Christ the thief, come take away our fears and insecurities.
Prepare our hearts, our minds, our spirits
for your indwelling presence
your incarnation as a baby, a refugee,
our brother, our redeemer.

May we become uneasy and alive
unafraid and able to hear angels announcing or singing.
May we become your advent lights
of hope, peace, joy, and love.


The Beatitudes, An Interpretive Prayer
by Allison Tanner

God we pray for those who mourn – may they know comfort.

We pray for those without power – may they be treated with dignity.

We pray for the downtrodden – may they feel the support of their community.

We pray for those who are able to remain kind – may they receive kindness.

We pray for those who are innocent – may they stay connected to You.

We pray for those who work for peace – may they be surrounded by your shalom.

We pray for those who are attacked because they speak truth – may Divine truth vindicate them.

We pray for those who are persecuted for insisting on love – may they find their way grounded in Your love.

Grant us all the strength and the grace we need to live into your vision for our world. Amen


2023 Advent Cycle of Prayer
For the Churches in the Holy Land and the Middle East
See the full daily cycle here:

Sunday Dec. 3 – Advent 1
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry (Episcopal Church)
A Prayer for Truth

“Lead me in your truth and teach me.” (Psalm 25:5)

God of truth, in his last days, in Jerusalem, Jesus of Nazareth gave his friends a new commandment: “As I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). He showed them that the way of love is God’s way of life. Hear now our prayers for our brothers and sisters of Israel and Palestine. Help us all to hear the painful truths of our past, and to learn ways to live now as your children.

We pray, O God, for all those in the land of the Holy One who mourn the loss of loved ones, and find themselves living in the shadow of death. We pray, O God, for all those who seek peace and stability in the midst of horrific violence. We pray, O God, for all those who struggle to find hope when despair seems to be overwhelming. We pray, O God, for all those who feel alone and forsaken, and yearn for basic compassion and kindness. We pray, O God, for all who pursue avenues of understanding, only to find divisions and divisiveness at every turn.

God of truth, “work through our struggle and confusion,” through the suffering of all your children, the weeping and wounds of war, and the pain of the past hurts of our history. Help us to find the path of peace by living in love that seeks the good and well-being of the others as well as ourselves. By your Spirit help us to join hands with you and with each other until the night that surrounds us is transformed into the dream that you intend for us and for all creation. This we pray in the Spirit of Jesus of Nazareth, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Sunday Dec. 10 – Advent 2
National Bishop Susan Johnson (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

A Prayer for Justice
“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
(Amos 5:24)

Loving God, we turn to you seeking not judgement, but justice.
May your justice rain down on Israel and Palestine. May the captives be released, the wounded healed, the dead mourned, the bombs silenced, the soldiers returned home. May there be a just and lasting peace where both Palestinians and Israelis live in safety in their own homes. May there be a just and sustainable two-state solution. May your just peace reign in every heart, home, and land.

We pray in the name of the Holy One, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Sunday Dec. 17 – Advent 3
Archbishop Linda Nicholls (Anglican Church of Canada)

A Prayer for Peace
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6)

God of peace, Jesus lamented over Jerusalem: “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings....” (Matthew 23:37). We too lament as we see the pain and sorrow of the peoples of the land of the Holy One.

We lament with those grieving the death of loved ones—women, men, children, husbands, wives, and grandparents. We lament the hatred and anger that spills over in indiscriminate violence. We lament the legacy of trauma that will live in hearts and souls for years to come. We lament the inability of human beings to seek and find the paths of peace or to recognize a shared humanity and shared desires for safety, security, and a home in which to flourish.

God of peace, give courage to those who show your love and compassion and to all who stand with Jesus seeking the paths of peace and bring the peace that passes understanding into the midst of this conflict. Amen.

Sunday Dec. 24 – Advent 4
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
A Prayer for Healing

Gracious God, we feel helpless in the face of war. As we witness the devastation in Israel and Palestine, we feel it here, too. Help us to accompany all who suffer, to be your healing balm in this wounded world.

Almighty God, only you bring healing. When we feel helpless, help us to feel your presence. When we feel despair, restore our confidence in you alone. Teach us again to turn weapons into tools for harvesting your abundance. Remind us that true healing comes only in the presence of your truth, your justice, and your peace.

Heal us, O Lord, so that we might be your healing presence now and always. Amen.


Advent Benediction
By Rev. Allison Tanner

Just as the Christ-child makes God known at Christmas

May we make God known in the week ahead

May our hope provide confidence as we await God’s reign

May our peace provide comfort as we work for God’s justice

May our joy provide celebration as we embrace God’s presence

May our love provide wholeness as we accept God’s healing

As the Christ-child has come into the world for us

May we go into the world for others.


Advent Candle Lighting Worship Resource

From UNJPPI - United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine Israel

​Song, reflection and prayer for the candle lighting on each Sunday of Advent.
See and download the pdf


See many other beautiful prayers and litanies related to the Holy Land on this page


for our work to continue.

For News & Alerts

United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   

An Invitation to Stand with Palestinian Christians this Advent and Christmas of 2023
From the Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem

Our Christian colleagues in Bethlehem tell us that this Advent and Christmas in Bethlehem the lights that normally adorn the birthplace of Jesus will remain unlit in memory of those who have been killed in the current conflict. The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem have noted that the traditional festive services in the Holy Land will be somber in nature due to the ongoing war. 

The second candle on the Advent Ring represents peace and, in some traditions, is known as the ‘Bethlehem candle.’ This Advent, we invite Methodist churches to do something ‘out of the ordinary’ and not to light the Advent Candle on the second Sunday in Advent (10 December) and on subsequent Sundays. 

The Old Testament lectionary reading for 10 December starts with the words, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” (Isaiah 40:1). As such, it seems appropriate that we take this opportunity to think about Bethlehem and those who have been killed and those who are seeking comfort as they mourn. This unlit candle will serve as a constant reminder that we stand in solidarity with all who are suffering in the Holy Land. 

The usual Advent liturgies can still be read, but we suggest including a short addition, given below, to underline why this ‘peace’ candle will remain unlit. 

On Christmas Day we invite you to take a photo of your Advent Ring with the second candle unlit and send to The staff at the Methodist Liaison Office will forward your pictures to local church communities in the Holy Land so our sisters and brothers in Christ can see that we stand in solidarity with them over the festive season. 

For further information, contact Revd David Hardman, Methodist Liaison Officer, Jerusalem on 

Additional Advent Liturgy for the Second Sunday in Advent 

As we prepare ourselves to welcome the birth of the Prince of Peace, we hear the festive lights that normally shine bright in Bethlehem will not be lit this year in memory of those killed in the recent violence. To stand alongside our sisters and brothers in Christ, and all who mourn this Christmas, we will leave our second Advent candle unlit during Advent and Christmas. 

Possible additional Advent Liturgy for remaining Advent services 

We remind ourselves that this year one candle remains unlit, as the Christmas lights in Bethlehem remain unlit, in memory of those killed in the current conflict in the Holy Land. 


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PRAYER & LITURGY for the Advent & Christmas season

With this collection, UMKR provides clergy and congregational leaders with prayers, sermons, songs, devotions and study materials related to Palestine/Israel that you can bring to your church during the season of Advent and Christmas.

During this season, as we sing of the "Little Town of Bethlehem," set up our nativity scenes, and celebrate Jesus' birth in ancient Palestine, there could not be a more apt time to invite our congregations to reflect on Bethlehem today and the current realities of life for Christ's disciples in the Holy Land.

Palestinian Christians have long called out to fellow believers around the world to understand Palestinian suffering under military occupation, apartheid, and now also a genocidal assault. The Advent season provides us with a timely moment to heed that call.

​Let us know if you find something here that is useful for your church or in your community:
