United Nations Resolutions on the
Israel-Palestine Conflict
(Petition #20553; ADCA, Volume 2, Section 1, P. 269-270)
See below the full text of this resolution as adopted by GC 2012.
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Whereas, negotiations between the State of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority still have not achieved a just and lasting peace for the Palestinian people; and
Whereas, the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly have passed numerous resolutions since UN Resolution 181, the Partition Plan, first adopted in November 1947, including Resolutions 242 and 338, that outline a framework for a just and lasting peace; and
Whereas, The UMC in the Social Principles recognizes and affirms the role of the United Nations in the just and lasting resolution of conflict, “Believing that international justice requires the participation of all peoples and nations, we endorse the United Nations, its related bodies, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court as the best instruments now in existence to achieve a world of justice and law” (¶ 165*D*); and
Whereas, Security Council Resolution 242, unanimously adopted in 1967, declares “the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security”; and
Whereas, the security of every State depends on it having de- fined borders and not occupying the territory of its neighbors, and Whereas, the 10th commandment in the Bible states, “Do not desire your neighbor’s house … or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Exodus 20:17); and
Whereas, for more than 40 years the government of Israel has continued its military occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and the seizing of more and more Palestinian land for illegal settlements in direct violation of UN resolutions as well as United Methodist General Conference resolutions; and
Whereas, since its creation, Israel has faced armed resistance that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist; and
Whereas, the International Court of Justice, on July 9, 2004, issued an advisory opinion that declared that Israel’s security barrier or wall built on occupied Palestinian territories violates international law; that it must be dismantled; and that compensation must be provided to Palestinians for loss of land and livelihood; and
Whereas, Israel’s government has continued to build the wall on Palestinian land in ongoing violation of international law, which greatly increases Palestinian suffering as well as heightens the insecurity of both Palestinians and Israelis; and
Whereas, May 2012 marks over 60 years since the establishment of the State of Israel as well as the dispossession of 750,000 to 900,000 Palestinians who are still seeking their full human rights; and
Whereas, ongoing military occupation and armed resistance heightens violence and insecurity for Palestinians and Israelis alike; and
Whereas, The United Methodist Church opposes all violence against civilians and considers “war is incompatible with the teachings and example of Christ” (Social Principles, ¶ 165*C*); and
Whereas, the United States’ use of its veto more than 30 times in the UN Security Council to block actions by the international community to criticize and prevent the killing of Palestinian civilians has contributed to a climate of impunity and exacerbated the cycle of violence affecting both Palestinians and Israelis;
Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church calls upon Israel, the Palestinian National Authority, and all States to abide by and uphold UN resolutions, International Court of Justice rulings, and international law as the basis for just and lasting peace in Palestine/Israel; and
Be it further resolved, that The United Methodist Church calls upon the United States, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, to accept the authority of Security Council resolutions to refrain from vetoing resolutions, and abide by Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, as well as all other relevant UN resolutions and International Court of Justice rulings, that provide a framework for bringing this conflict to a just and permanent end.
International Law
and Israel/Palestine
There are several documents in international law that apply to all countries and that clearly prohibit Israeli practices in Palestinian territory and Israel's treatment of Palestinians. has a good page to introduce all readers to this subject, just a few minutes to read, They also provide more resources, on specific legal issues pertaining to Israel/Palestine. Click to go there
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International Law
and Israel/Palestine
United Methodist General Conference 2024:
Legislation & Resources on Israel/Palestine