🔸= Something New or Recently Updated
MennoPIN website
MennoPINs program twinning congregations with Gazans:
An article on Palestine Portal about the MennoPIN initiative:
IPMN Website:
IPMN’s Hosanna Preaching project:
UCC PIN resources on the 2021 UCC resolution
“Declaration for a Just Peace between Palestine and Israel:
UCC PIN curriculum and film: “How Are the Children?”
World Council of Churches collection
“Focus: Palestine”
Youtube videos that are part of “Focus: Palestine”
Recommended website:
A resource from Jonathan Kuttab on the history of the conflict.
Regarding work in The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ):
In lieu of the COVID-canceled Disciples General Assembly, Disciples leaders issued the following statement which speaks both for the church and to the church: “Compelled to Witness”
Working now on distributing the statement and encouraging actions called for in the Christian Palestinian’s 2020 declaration: “Cry for Hope: A Call to Decisive Action”
See Cry for Hope online and endorse it:
Download Cry for Hope
Responses to a request for a book on the Christian history of Palestine:
Blood Brothers, by Elias Chacour
Dying in the Land of Promise, by Don Wagner
The Forgotten Faithful: A Window Into The Life And Witness Of Christians In The Holy Land,
by Naim Ateek
Resources Webinar
Scroll down to see the video of this webinar
From Words to Action: How Church Activists Can Advocate Effectively
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
10am PT, 1pm ET (US, Canada) / 5pm GMT / 7pm Palestine
UMKR and MFSA present a timely and practical webinar on the challenges and opportunities in organizing church activism.
How are denominational activists organizing their constituencies today for a just peace in the Holy Land? How do grassroots movements inform individuals, congregations, regional bodies and denominations and motivate them to take a stand, adopt resolutions, lobby politicians, find local partners, work in coalitions, recruit activists, and engage in boycotts and divestment actions?
Our panel of experienced organizers and justice activists come from a diverse ecumenical background and their discussion will compare and contrast different approaches to organizing advocacy in churches.
Noushin Framke is an Armenian/Iranian-American who
has lived in the U.S. since 1978. She is a Presbyterian
Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a
longtime organizer and leader in her church for racial
justice and Palestinian rights. She served for many years
on the Steering Committee of IPMN, the Israel/Palestine
Mission Network of the PCUSA.
Joe Roos is a co-founder of and former publisher at
Sojourners Magazine, a leading ecumenical Christian
publication committed to the integration of spiritual renewal
and social justice. He is an ordained pastor in the Mennonite
Church USA and has served churches in Washington,
Maryland, India and California. Today Joe serves as Co-chair
of FOSNA, Friends of Sabeel North America, and on the
Steering Committee of MennoPIN, the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network.
John Thomas is the former General Minister and President
of the United Church of Christ (UCC). John served in the
UCC’s Collegium of Officers, overseeing the
denomination’s national ministries, from 1999 to 2009.
As the General Minister and President, he was the
spokesperson for the denomination, representing the
UCC in ecumenical and interfaith circles. Today John is
a member of the Steering Committee of UCCPIN, the UCC Palestine Israel Network.
John Wagner is a decades-long justice activist and
organizer, with a particular focus on Palestinian rights, in the
United Methodist Church (UMC) as well asecumenical and
interfaith circles. He is an ordained elder of the UMC and
has served as pastor for several churches in the West Ohio
conference. John was one of the founders and for many
years the Co-chair of UMKR, United Methodists for
Kairos Response.
Watch the video of the webinar below.
Under the video, see links and resources shared during the webinar.