United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   


Our next webinar will be on 10 March 2021 on the subject of Apartheid.

What the UMC Says Regarding Indigenous Peoples

United Methodist Resolutions related to Native Americans and Globalization                              
3321 Native People and the United Methodist Church
3324 Trail of Repentance and Healing                  
3327 Oppose Names Demeaning to Native Americans

3328 United Methodist Responses to the Sand Creek Massacre
3331 Doctrine of Discovery
3333 Native American Religious Freedom Act
3334 Regarding Native American Culture and Tradition as Sacred
3346 Support for the Indian Child Welfare Act: Education, Health Care, and Welfare
6025 Globalization and Its Impacts on Human Dignity and Human Rights

United Methodist Resolution on Africa                              
6081: African Growth and Development

Charter for Racial Justice in an Interdependent Global Community
Adopted by the 1980 General Conference of The United Methodist Church

Book list in honor of Black History Month, from a UK press

United Methodist resolutions on the Philippines      
6118 Philippines: Democratic Governance, Human Rights, and the Peace Process                           
6138 Pursue Formal Peace Talks in Philippines        
6117 End Impunity in the Philippines
The National Association of Filipino American United Methodists (NAFAUM)

Independent Investigation on human rights in the Philippines
Rev. Susan Henry Crowe, General Secretary for the UMC General Board of Church & Society (GBCS), is serving on the High Commission for the investigation.
US legislation on the issue has been introduced to Congress by Rep. Susan Wild from Pennsylvania. GBCS has sponsored the bill. We are waiting for it to be introduced to the new session of Congress. 
Contact Rev. Michael Yoshii for more information:

For additional study on Palestine
GBCS Faith and Fact Card on Occupied Palestinian Territories
United Methodist Legislation Related to Palestine
6111 Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land
6112 United Nations Resolutions on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Wadi Foquin Petition 60843,
approved by General Conference 2016
http://ee.umc.org/who-we-are/legislation-tracking, enter 60843

Friends of Wadi Foquin, a United Methodist task force in the California-Nevada Conference

BOOK - Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery  by Mark Charles


United Methodist Church Resolution #3331
Doctrine of Discovery

    Therefore be it resolved, all levels of The United Methodist Church are called to condemn the Doctrine of Discovery as a legal document and basis for the seizing of native lands and abuses of human rights of indigenous peoples; and
    Be it further resolved, that The United Methodist Church will work toward eliminating the Doctrine of Discovery as a means to subjugate indigenous peoples of property and land.
    Adopted 2012

Episcopal Church Resolution #D035
Exploring the Doctrine of Discovery through the Lens of Baptism

     In 2009, the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church passed resolution D035, which repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery and made a public commitment to all Indigenous Peoples to review policies and programs, “with a view of exposing the historical reality and impact of the Doctrine of Discovery, and responding to its presence in the church’s contemporary policies, programs, and structures. It calls upon all Episcopalians to seek a greater understanding of Indigenous Peoples and support those Peoples in their ongoing efforts for their inherent fundamental human rights, treaty rights and inherent sovereignty.


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The February 2021 edition of MFSA Voices

Resources        Webinar

Scroll down the page to see the video.

Rev.Alvin Deer is a full blood Native American of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Helives in Oklahoma City. He recently retired from full-time ministry with the United Methodist Church after serving seven different local native churches in Oklahoma. He serves on the board of the Native American International Caucus (NAIC) of The United Methodist Church and is a frequent speaker on Native American issues.

Rev. Lloyd T. Nyarota is an ordained Elder in the Zimbabwe East Conference, currently serving as a pastor at St John's United-Anglican Church in Manning, Alberta, Canada. He has served as a consultant for the United Methodist Board of Church and Society and is very active with the African Central Conferences.

Rev Dr. Armando C. Arellano is a United Methodist Ordained Elder and a member of the East Ohio Annual Conference. He currently serves the East Shore UMC in Euclid Ohio. He was born and raised in the Philippines and is fluent both in English and Tagalog-Pilipino. He has served churches in the Philippines and in the United States.

Ata Manasra is Director of the Wadi Foquin-Narjes Community Development Project established in partnership with the United Methodist Church in 2009. He is also the former Mayor of Wadi Foquin, a Palestinian village in the West Bank. Ata has been a tour guide in Palestine for many years, following a career as an English teacher and administrator.

Moderator: Michelle Dromgold-Sermen - former UMKR Intern, PhD candidate in sociology, University of North Carolina

Unmasking the Evil of Colonialism
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
10am PT, 1pm ET (US, Canada) / 6pm UTC / 8pm Palestine

Around the world, colonialism destroys lives, shatters communities, and obliterates the human rights of indigenous peoples through subjugation and enslavement, land theft, the plunder of natural resources, and the erasure of native culture and language.
    On February 10th, UMKR and MFSA will bring together four speakers to address the past destruction and very present dangers of colonialism as it impacts their peoples.
Turtle Island (North America): Native Americans have been subjected to centuries of ethnic cleansing and genocide and their struggle against the loss of land and heritage continues today throughout the North American continent.

Philippines: In a country steeped in the legacy of Spanish, American, and Japanese colonialism, indigenous Filipinos are courageously endeavoring to
protect their land, their communities, and their human rights.
Africa: Millions of Africans were enslaved by colonialists who also conquered their homelands and stripped their natural resources; many of the same Western powers continue their interference and exploitation
Palestine: Settler colonialists have seized more and more of historic Palestine since the early 20th century; today they control the lives of millions of Palestinians with a brutal apartheid military regime while making millions of others into second-class citizens.

How can we meaningfully reject the sin of settler colonialism and support these indigenous peoples' liberation struggles?


Below the video, see useful links that were shared during the webinar.