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A Change in UMKR Leadership:
Rev. John Wagner Retires
By Lisa Bender, UMKR Co-Chair
News & Analysis UMKR News & Action
February 2022 – Rev. John Wagner is retiring from
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
after 12 years of dedication to our advocacy
movement for Palestine/Israel.
John is a founding member of UMKR and served as
our first Convenor starting in 2010. He served
faithfully in that role from 2010-2014, continued
as a member of the Steering Committee, and in the
fall of 2016 accepted the position of UMKR Co-chair.
For the past five years, he has continued to serve as
Co-chair, leading with his calm, steady hand and
wisdom gained from years of experience in activism. By example, he showed that everyone's voice is important, encouraged diversity, and stressed the importance of always listening to and taking guidance from the Palestinian people.
John first visited Israel/Palestine in 2008, unaware that the trip would change his life. There he saw firsthand the effects of the Israeli occupation on the Palestinian people. He was so moved by the Palestinian stories that he dedicated his subsequent years to advocating for freedom, equality and justice for the Palestinian people.
John was especially touched by the many Palestinian Christians he met, for whom life was as difficult as for their Muslim neighbors. He saw Christians and Muslims working together as they opposed their brutal military occupation. Through the years he cultivated relationships with those involved in Kairos Palestine, the ecumenical movement endorsed by the major Christian denominations in Palestine. In 2019, John attended a global Kairos Palestine meeting in Bethlehem.
In being faithful to his calling to work on behalf of the Palestinian people, John has also led our Annual Conference Organizing. He frequently picked up his phone and called key leaders in various annual conferences to invite them to submit a resolution to their annual conference, then coached them through their process. One of his early successes was achieved when the West Ohio Conference voted to divest funds in certain companies that were involved in business in the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. During his years with UMKR, John made many friends in the movement for justice in Palestine within the United Methodist Church, in Palestine, and in his community.
During his years with UMKR he served churches in the West Ohio Conference where he also worked with local Palestinians to educate others. John is also retiring from serving as pastor at First UMC in Middletown OH effective July 1, 2022.
UMKR owes John Wagner a multitude of thanks and deep appreciation for his outstanding leadership over the past 12 years. We send him off with prayers and best wishes for his upcoming retirement.
UMKR’s Nominations Committee is in the process of evaluating and making recommendations for UMKR’s leadership needs as we go forward. In the interim, I have assumed the role of Chair of UMKR, after serving with John as Co-Chair since 2019. I thank the Steering Committee for their dedication and support. If you have questions or concerns, or if UMKR can assist you in your local work, please reach out!