Message of Solidarity from
Palestinian Christians for Peace (PCAP)
and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)
April 2016
Dear UMKR,
We come together as Palestinian-American Christians and Muslims and American Jews to support the efforts of the United Methodist Kairos Response in your work to align the values of your denomination with your investments and divest from the Israeli occupation. As sisters and brothers of faith who also work for justice and peace for the people of Palestine and Israel, we applaud your initiative and stand in solidarity with you.
We commend your commitment to advancing conversations and resolutions within the United Methodist Church that will provide a chance for more people of conscience to step forward to express outrage over the confiscation of Palestinian land, destruction of Palestinian farms and groves and homes, choking of the Palestinian economy, and daily harassment and collective punishment of Palestinians.
The time of silence over Israel’s oppressive occupation of Palestine is over. Communities of faith, universities, and local municipalities are increasingly voicing their support for nonviolent popular resistance against the occupation – including the kind of principled, targeted divestment efforts such as the United Methodist Church is preparing to undertake.
We encourage your efforts to divest from corporations that profit from or support Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the siege of Gaza. This work is an important part of a bigger project to bring about justice, equality, and freedom not just for Israelis and Palestinians, but for us all.
Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace
Dec. 2016 – Please note that this statement refers to UMKR by our former name. Our current name is: United Methodists for Kairos Response.
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