United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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 United Methodist Annual Conference Successes in 2017
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Holy Land Travel
Adopted by 4 annual conferences and endorsed by bishop in 2 annual conferences in 2017
Promotes responsible tourism in the Holy Land: travel to West Bank, overnight stay in Bethlehem, meeting with Palestinians, worship with Palestinian Christians, connecting with UMC missionaries, etc.

  • California-Pacific
  • Desert Southwest
  • Missouri (resolution withdrawn, endorsed by bishop, money promised for trip for conference leaders)
  • Northern Illinois
  • Virginia
  • West Ohio (resolution withdrawn, publicly endorsed by bishop)

Advocating for the Rights of Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation

Adopted by 2 annual conferences in 2017
Opposes “widespread, systematic, and institutionalized” abuse of Palestinian children while in detention, and in military courts and prisons; call on US to apply laws regarding use of foreign aid and to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; calls on UMs to contact officials; encourages more education & advocacy with partners.

  • California-Nevada
  • Northern Illinois

Investing in ESVPF (Equities Social Values Plus Fund)
Adopted by 5 annual conferences in 2017
Encourages use of UMC investment fund that excludes HP, Caterpillar and Motorola Solutions and is close to occupation-free; can be used by UM investment managers and pastors and lay employees with church pensions.

  • California-Pacific
  • New England
  • Northern Illinois
  • Susquehanna
  • Upper New York

Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions
Adopted by 7 annual conferences in 2017; adopted by one annual conference and one jurisdictional conference in 2016
Opposes the wave of anti-BDS legislation that threatens to stigmatize and penalize individuals, companies and other entities that support or engage in boycott and divestment actions for Palestinian human rights.

  • California-Nevada (in 2016)
  • Desert Southwest
  • Florida
  • Great Plains
  • Minnesota
  • New England
  • Oregon-Idaho
  • Upper New York
  • Western Jurisdictional Conference (in 2016) - This jurisdiction includes 8 annual conferences: Alaska, Pacific Northwest, Yellowstone, Oregon-Idaho, Rocky Mountain, California-Nevada, California-Pacific, and Desert Southwest.

HP Boycott: Avoid Hewlett Packard Purchases
Adopted by 3 Annual Conferences in 2017
Recommends boycott of HP products due to corporate complicity in many facets of the Israeli occupation: technology for checkpoints, IT services & equipment for Israeli Navy blockading Gaza, services for illegal settlements and more.

  • Baltimore-Washington
  • California- Nevada (mandated a study of HP’s role in Israel/Palestine)
  • Upper New York

Promoting Human Rights of Palestinians
(not on our website)
Adopted by one annual conference in 2017
Setting up a conference task force to study the option of church divestment from the Israeli occupation.

  1. East Ohio

Holding Israel Accountable for its Actions in Palestine
(not on our website)
Adopted by one annual conference in 2017
Calls for respecting the “equality and dignity of all the region's people.”

  • Wisconsin



Baltimore-Washington passed the HP Boycott resolution. A divestment resolution did not pass, but advocates found common ground with their conference foundation (which invests funds for the conference) and will be in dialogue with them this year.

New England passed three resolutions:  HP Boycott, Investing in ESVPF, and Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

Susquehanna passed Investing in ESVPF.

Upper New York passed resolutions for the HP Boycott, Investing in ESVPF, and Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

Virginia passed Holy Land Travel.

Florida passed Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.


East Ohio passed the resolution Promoting Human Rights of Palestinians, setting up a task force to study divestment.
(not on our website)

Northern Illinois passed three resolutions: Holy Land Travel, Investing in ESVPF, and Advocating for the Rights of Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation.

Minnesota passed Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

West Ohio withdrew the Holy Land Travel resolution on the condition that their bishop would make a strong public endorsement of responsible Holy Land travel, which he did. 

Wisconsin passed the resolution Holding Israel Accountable for Its Actions in Palestine. It calls for respecting the “equality and dignity of all the region's people.” (not on our website)


Great Plains passed Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

Missouri withdrew their resolution “O Little Town of Bethlehem” - asking for conference-funded travel for conference leaders on a recommended tour to the Holy Land - on the condition that it would be publicly endorsed by the bishop, which it was; funding has been promised for a trip for conference leaders.

California-Nevada passed Advocating for the Rights of Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation and a modified version of the HP Boycott resolution that asks the conference to study HP involvement in the Israeli occupation, and also study the international BDS movement.  

California-Pacific passed two resolutions: Investing in ESVPF and Holy Land Tours.

Desert Southwest also passed two resolutions: Holy Land Travel and Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

Oregon-Idaho passed Protecting the Right to Peacefully Address Injustice.

Pacific Northwest referred a resolution entitled Education on Kairos to their conference Board of Church and Society.


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