United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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Endorsements      Endorsement Statements

United Methodist Missionaries Support
Divestment from the Israeli Occupation

See below the list of United Methodist missionaries to Palestine and Israel for the last 25 years. As individuals, they represent the diversity of theological and political understandings found in our denomination.

All of them, however, support pursuing divestment from companies sustaining the
Israeli occupation as a legitimate non-violent means for achieving a just peace

A Statement from All the Living United Methodist Missionaries

Who Have Served in the Holy Land

January 14, 2016

download this resource

March 2017: The list of names below and in the pdf file has been updated due to an inadvertent omission.

As past and present United Methodist missionaries in the Holy Land
we affirm non-violent means of addressing the many injustices weʼve
seen during our years of service. While there are transgressions on all
sides, we believe that the illegal occupation of Palestinian land is the
root cause and source of the conflict. We are therefore encouraged by
the recent action of United Methodist fund managers to disassociate
from certain Israeli banks, and hope they will continue this trend by
removing from our portfolios companies and institutions that profit from
the occupation. Such decisions will ultimately contribute toward the end
of hostilities and reverse the cycle of violence in Israel/Palestine.

Yours in Christian Service,
Rev. and Mrs. Alex and Brenda Awad
Rev. Kristen Brown

Mary Davies
Rev. and Mrs. Bob and Peggy Hannum
Janet Lahr Lewis
Bob May
Rev. Peter Miano
Rev. Sandy Olewine
Rev. Romeo Del Rosario
Tina Whitehead


Read Rev. Alex Awad's 2013 letter regarding UMC divestment